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2014-11-29 23:38 GMT-06:00 Yury Tarasievich said:
Said recommendations, while formaly correct, are subverted by the fact that
there are no commonly accessible methods to keyboard-input all those "fancy"

OS X and Linux distros include punctuation (which is not “fancy” at
all) out-of-the-box in most keyboard layouts—the user does not have to
do anything weird to get these working. The only OS missing the fun in
Windows, but bah.

Program UI isn't a typography showcase.
Of course it is! We’re building an office suite, remember? An office
suite which has to do with typography a great lot. And even if it
didn’t, it’s supposed to demostrate a level of polish and leave a
better, lasting impression on users. They do care about these things,
I certainly do as well. Even amateurish OS X applications implement
typographic quotation marks. Recent versions of GNOME core
applications also do. Windows Store apps are also in the boat. It was
only a matter of time.

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