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Le 2011-02-05 16:06, Dr. Bernhard Dippold a écrit :
Hi Marc, all,

Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2011-02-05 11:12, Christian Lohmaier a écrit :
Hi Marc,

On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Marc Paré<>   wrote:
Maybe I missed something somewhere. Could someone explain the Document
Foundation LibreOffice Box project? and
Well, what explanation do you want?

The german team has been providing a CD (and later also a DVD)
distribution with (at the time) as well as some other
free software and extras named "PrOOo-Box", and now continues with
LibreOffice instead of OOo.

So as such it is a volunteer project with quite a bit of tradition :-)


Thanks Christian. Is this part of the TDF/LibreOffice project?
As Christian already wrote: "The german team" - Yes.
Thanks. I wasn't sure if it was an associated group or members of the 
TDF/LibreOffice team.
The website has the LibreOffice and TDF names on it.
And is hosted at the same servers as the LibO and TDF pages.

Do you think OOoDeV would have granted them these rights, if they
would not be part of the project?
Thanks for the rhetorical answer.

And if so, are there considerations being made for all NL groups?
Of course - but they want to provide a working infrastructure.

It was easier for them to discuss their work items on the de-discuss
list instead of talking English to each other on this list here.

Are other NL groups participating?
Not yet.
Some members of the marketing team are working on DVD
content(s)/design(s) and are looking at the design team for guidance.
Are the german team also working with the design team as well?
Of course. The design Drew chose for his SCALE DVD is based on
their actual DVD design. (By the way provided by one of the most
active Design Team members) ;-)
I can't seem to see any mention of it on the marketing, design lists and
only see one mention of it on the website list.
If you don't remember:

You have been the one crossposting this topic here.
Thanks. The month of November seems so far ago. Yes I did make a note of 
it. There has not been any mention of it on the marketing list since 
then. It would be nice to get some kind of progress report for the 
marketing team as some members have already discussed DVD design. This 
would help in keeping us appraised of the status of the design and 
promote community involvement.
(I mentioned it here too:

Florian already mentioned it on twitter, and facebook, so you can
be assured, that it is an officially supported LibO/TDF effort.

Best regards


Thanks for info.



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