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On 12/17/2011 06:18 AM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 02:03 17/12/2011 -0500, Doug McGarrett wrote:
On 12/17/2011 01:45 AM, Jay Lozier wrote:
On 12/17/2011 01:05 AM, Doug McGarrett wrote:
How does one make small caps in LO? I need to make just one or two words in a document small caps, and I can't seem to find a way.
Try Format>>Character>>Tab: Font Effects and under Effects select 
Small Capitals (bottom of the list). You use it to set small 
capitals or change existing text to small capitals.
Small Capitals is not listed under Format>>Change Case
Thank you, Jay.  That works.  It's a little clumsy, but at least it 
can be done.  Too bad it can't be assigned to some function key or 
something.  If every time you want to write am or pm in small caps, 
it's going to be a pain.
There is an easy way to do this, using Find & Replace:
o Type "am" normally as you create your document.
o When convenient, go to Edit | Find & Replace... (or Ctrl+F).
o In "Search for", enter "am".
o In "Replace with", also enter "am".
o Click More Options.
o With the cursor in the "Replace with" field, click Format... .
o On the Font Effects tab, under Effects, select "Small capitals".

Now you can use Replace or Replace All to change your relevant items to small caps. (If you choose to type "am" without the full stops, you will need to be careful not to change occurrences of the verb "am", of course. Alternatively, you could enter something such as "#am" for the times and search for that later.)
I like the idea using special character to identify a string to change later.
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

Jay Lozier

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