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Il 03/10/2011 11:46, e-letter ha scritto:
On 02/10/2011, Mr. Jack Nash III<>  wrote:

Has anyone been able to get PowerPoint´s to display correctly in LibreOffice
Impress?  I am having a lot of trouble with .ppt and .pptx presentations, as
they simply do not display well in LibreOffice.  The background, the text,
the formatting, is all messed up and distorted.

No, why should it?

The priority is display of odf format documents. Since you are
experiencing difficulty, pay m$ and use their formats; they are
irrelevant to LO.

It would be higher priority and more interesting to know:

does m$ view odp documents correctly?
is any failure due to LO failing to adhere to the odf standard?
is failure due to m$ failing to adhere to the odf standard?

Answering these questions should enable you to send your questions to
the appropriate software supplier ;)

Please stop spamming this list with insults to people asking for advice. 
Do their question sound stupid to you ? Your problem.
Or are you a M$-paid troll whose job is to scare away people who want to 
try non-M$ products ?
Marcello Romani

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