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Gianluca Turconi wrote:

A Foundation that collects funds and gathers contributions to further
developing LibO, and steers the wider Community for that development,
it's a reassuring idea. It's just like Mozilla.
The Document Foundation was born with this same idea, although we do not
see the same founding opportunities of Mozilla (as they receive 60
million dollars per year from Google for choosing Google as the default
search engine). There will be announcements in the next two weeks which
will improve the understanding of the organizational model and of the
development directions TDF will be following in the future.

Although each member of TDF Steering Committee is able to express his
own opinions on the subject, I would not take every word as a statement
on behalf of TDF. At the moment, the vast amount of positive enthusiasm
around TDF is fostering ideas and innovations, and I prefer to see the
discussion flowing instead of feeding the list with statements.

In seven years, I have never seen so many people on the US marketing
team, and this is what makes me feel very comfortable inside TDF: the
amount of enthusiasm and positive feelings around the project. Shortly
in the future, we will have a season of more disciplined discussions.

Ciao, Italo

Italo Vignoli
Mobile: +39.348.5653829 - VoIP: +39.02.320621813
Email: - Skype: italovignoli

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