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Le 2010-10-19 21:10, Marc Paré a écrit :
Hmmm... then, the fact remains that a multilingual mailist model
will always be difficult to accomplish. The amount of energy spent
on translating from one language to another would certainly affect
the overall effectiveness of the group. Satisfying everyone will be

I would suggest trying to build and maintain a robust reporting model
from the localised groups to the respective mailists. Adding the
complexity of language translation (as well as cultural idiosyncrasies)
in the mix IMHO would not be productive.

As much as I would love to see a universal list in all languages, I 
agree with you that common lists using English as the lingua franca are 
probably what works best. Obviously, we should accept without any 
complaint that some people whose English is not to par might post in 
other languages, but the aim should not to have 200 translations of each 
and every message.
In an ideal world, international lists would be in Esperanto, but I 
doubt many list members would understand anything.

Actually, I think the pitfall to avoid is that problems specific to the English version or with English-language marketing should be posted to their respective regional or linguistic lists and not on the worldwide lists. U.S. and U.K. are two regions, just like France and Spain.

Michel Gagnon
Montréal (Québec, Canada) --

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