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Hi :)
Nice one TomW! :)  Good to know LibreOffice can fix the file :)  This has
been reported as a good way of helping MS Office users share documents that
they initially have trouble with in MS Office.  The LibreOffice user acts
as a stepping stone to solve incompatibility issues between differeing
versions of MS Office.

I guess next step might be if someone can find the time to do that and then
upload the new file to Nabble or somewhere so that the o.p. can download it

Of course one trouble-shooting tactic that is only possible with documents
in ODF format is to;
1.  create a copy of the document (basic rule of data-recovery is to work
on a copy rather than the original)
2.  rename the file-ending from .ods to .zip
3.  now the 'file' opens as a normal compressed set of folders&files.  Most
of the text of the document is in the "content.xml" file.  I'm not quite
sure how that plays out for spreadsheets.

Also this tactic doesn't work for the older MS formats.  It is still better
to use them rather than any of the newer MS formats though because the
older format can be read by a much wider range of software so it's better
for sharing documents.  XlsX often needs people to be using the exact same
version of MS Office as each other!

The ODF format is becoming more widely used, especially since MS Office
2013 can (allegedly!) finally read the same version of ODF as everyone

Regards from
Tom :)

On 3 March 2015 at 10:53, TomW <> wrote:

On 2015-03-02 20:16, infinityplusb wrote:

Hi allI'm trying to open an .xls file (actually a number of xls files) I
downloaded from the Australia Statistics agency website and want to check
other people can open it before I raise it as an issue with ...
file is attached  3303_1_underlying_causes_of_death_(australia).xls
The versions I'm using are:LibreOffice Version: ID:
de093506bcdc5fafd9023ee680b8c60e3e0645dI'm using Ubuntu 14.10Can someone
and open up the file attached in LibreOffice please?Also if someone could
let me know what I need to do to trouble shoot that would be great.PS I
open some .xls files, just not this (or a few others) so it might be
something *in* the file. A workaround rather than solution would also
suffice for my purposes.

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If the file is opened in an earlier version, then saved(keeping the xls
format), the file will open in 4.4.0.


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