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D4 and E10 are cells not columns
as a result it is unclear what you mean by "copy E10 down so that D4 is
the constant."  What exactly are yo trying to accomplish?

On 5/9/12 3:03 PM, Zed wrote:
It is so long since I used the Formula I'm looking for that I have forgotten
what it is.  Here is my problem

I have a column, say, D4 in which I have a constant figure, say, 100

Another column E10 , let's call it Production, contains a figure of, say, 79

I can establish that 79 is 79% of actual production by entering the formula
=E10/D4 and then Formatting the expression to Percentage.  But I cannot
remember the formula to copy E10 down so that D4 is the constant.

I have tried E/10/D4, E10/$D4, $E10/D4, $E10/$D4  and then Filled Down
without obtaining the correct answer.

If anyone on the list is able to help me, I'd be most gratefu,

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