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On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 12:16 PM, Francois Tigeot <> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 12:00:54PM -0500, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:
On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Francois Tigeot <> wrote:
I'm not happy about this commit either: when packaging LibreOffice under pkgsrc,
it doubles the size of the build tree for no gain in speed.
then use --disable-ccache

as in
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-ccache
Nice, I don't even have to do the job anymore ;-)

Still, this ccache stuff is too clever for its own good IMHO.
for reference here is the motivations that lead me to do it

1/ the help advertised that we where doing it (as in
claimed that if ccache was present we would automatically use it)
2/ I had a spike in IRC questions/confusions from new tentative
contributors on that topic, so I wanted to make it as newbie friendly
as possible. iow a 'just fscking work' approach.
3/ I had issue with MacOS: in order to use ccache I had to set CC and
CXX before autogen (or as parameters). but doing so meant
that I had to take into account which compiler should be use. and on
Mac that depend on the SDK being used... so basically I had to do
manually the job of configure... to set the proper CC and CXX manually
4/ I considered that one-time builder were not the audience I cared
about, and that distrib-builder are savvy enough to make the build
system do what they want (iow add --disable-ccache if they decided
that ccache is not useful to them)

and really it is not _that_ clever:

if ccache is disabled or icecream is enabled or there is no ccache on
the system we do nothing special
    if CC or CCX  are manually preset we do nothing special
(presumably if you bothered to explicitly pre-set it and wanted ccache
you would have set it so)
        (that was added later on remark that CCACHE_DIR may be to
small to be useful)
        if the ccache size is less than 1GB then we do nothing and warn about it
             if ccache size is between 1GB and 5GB then we warn that
you should prolly set a bigger ccache size especially if you intend to
do debug/symbol build fi
             if CC or CXX respectively point to ccache already (case
when you alias gcc to ccache) then we do nothing special
                 we prepend "ccache " to CC or CXX respectively



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