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Philip Jackson wrote:

I wonder if anyone on the list can provide any clues as to why a file is
badly formed ?

The file concerned is an export from another application (Scrivener)
which provides the option to export as an open document odt.  The test
file comprises 2 paragraphs of text followed by a third paragraph
incorporating a bullet list and completed by a fourth text paragraph.

When this file, testexport.odt, is opened in LibreOffice Writer, the
bullets and their associated text items are completely missing.  Other
text paragraphs are good.

Exports in other formats (.doc, .pdf, .rtf) are correct and can be read
by LO or Okular (pdf).

I am hoping someone more clued up than me can 'analyse' the test files
and provide a clue as to where the odt file is badly made.
The bulleted paragraphs are in the file as a <text:list-item>, but they are not inside a 
<text:list> element as required.

My Scrivener (2.7 on Mac OS X) does export the <text:list> with <text:list-item>s inside it, but it 
also puts its own bullet before each paragraph so that they now have 2 bullets each in the ODT file!
Piet van Oostrum <>
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