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On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 9:31 PM, Kevin Hunter <> wrote:
At 8:21pm -0500 Thu, 11 Nov 2010, Patrick Bakker wrote:

Current Calc behaviour:

Desired behaviour:
I believe OpenOffice has supported both semicolon and comma since at least
3.0.  Take a look at Tools->Options->Calc->Formula.
I thought I had downloaded LibreOffice but I guess I haven't yet. I'm
running OpenOffice 3.2.0 here and I don't have a Tools -> Options - >
Calc -> Formula.


The delete cell "helper" dialog box pops up anytime I try to delete
a cell or cell selection. It gives me options to delete some
combination of text / numbers / date& time / formulas / notes /
formats / objects. Occassionally this is useful. For regular use,
however, I just want the value of the cell deleted.
This is perhaps not the most intuitive, but the behavior parallels that of
at least 2 operating systems user interface choices:

One one OS:
- If you select a file and hit Del key, it says "Hey!  Are you sure?!"
- If you select a file and hit Shift+Del, it doesn't ask.

Another OS:
- Del key moves it to the trash.
- Shift+Del permanently removes the file right then.

Same idea, but slightly different UI experience.

I've gotten into the habit of pressing Shift+Del myself, but I agree it was
annoying until I figured that out.  Rather than change that default, what
about putting some simple text in that dialog box, along the lines of "Tip:
if you want the default action, press Shift+Del."
I didn't know about the Shift + Delete keystroke which helps. Having
two work around the easiest keystroke still feels wrong - especially
with undo/redo capability. The most common action should map to the
simplest keybinding I would think.


The first time I copy and pasted a cell formula into another cell
which already had something in it a dialog came up asking something
like "This cell already has a value. Are you sure you want to do copy
a new value in?" EXTREMELY annoying. So annoying that I skipped past
it for the first few days without seeing the "Show this dialog"
checkbox. Once I saw the option to hide the dialog I did so and I
don't know how to get it back to quote exactly what it says. I can't
really think of any reason for this dialog to exist at all but at
least it can be dismissed so its not quite so bad as the delete
dialog. Still would anybody object if I submitted a patch to kill it?
Heh.  With the power of Ctrl+Z at my fingertips, I agree that that dialog
box could be seen as an annoyance.  However, I have witnessed many times, a
less than power-user bless that dialog so they didn't overwrite their data.
 In this light, I wouldn't be opposed to it's removal, provided LO informs
the user when they have copied over data, and reminds them that they can
undo the action.

A less obtrusive method of informing them would be nice.  Something akin to
Firefox's dropdown bar, or IE's information bar would do nicely, I think.
Yeah, I don't see the value in this warning at all but if it is useful
at all to anybody I would think a less obtrusive, after the fact quiet
notification that existing date was overwritten would make more sense
to me.


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