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On 05.04.2018 20:31, Regina Henschel wrote:
are the texts the same for all modules?
I don't know. We have >100 formats and I just tried to copy between Writer, Calc, Impress & Draw. 

* Unformatted text -> Plain text (Unformatted)
OK, but I do not get why 'Unformatted text' is not clear enough
Consistency. If you explain one format in detail and omit the short name in the other it adds 
* Bitmap -> Compatibility-optimized image (Bitmap)
The important part is, that it is a raster image. 
"Compatibility-optimized" says nothing.
I want to give a clue what advantage BMP would have over PNG or vice versa. The "raster image" 
thing is a good addition IMHO to compare those formats to the vectors.

* Drawing format -> %PRODUCTNAME drawing format
Why include Productname? Important is, that it is the same format as 
used in module Draw.
The %var is replaced by LibreOffice, of course. "Drawing Format" along with "Raster Image" explains 
not much. But "LibreOffice Drawing Format" should add trustability.
* DDE link -> Reference only (DDE link)
target Calc: generate a matrix formula, if target is in the same 
spreadsheet and matrix formula with simple referece ='file:///...', 
if target is in a different spreadsheet target Writer: true DDE 
connection for Windows, for Linux ?
The "reference" should be more informative than just "DDE link" (or as well the full name).
* DIF -> Text with standardized formats (DIF)
It is a text encoded spreadsheet, so "text" alone does not reflect 
the use case, and it will not be inserted as text. You can use the 
full name 'Data Interchange Format' and the user needs to look it
up, in case he doesn't know DIF. Or 'value only', because in contrast
to "unformatted text" it does not open the import dialog, and in 
contrast to RTF or HTML it does not carry formatting.
I have no idea what purpose DIF has compared to other formats. And even with the full name I don't 
get it. But if "standardized format" is not wrong some users may take it for compatibility purpose.

* GDI metafile -> Screen optimized image (GDI)
Important is, that it is a vector format... Suggestion: -> vector 
My take: "Screen-optimized vector image (GDI)"

* Formatted text [RTF] -> Rich text formatting (RTF) * Formatted
text [Richtext] -> Rich text formatting (Richtext)
Remove the second item. I see no difference in the result.
* HTML (HyperText Markup Language) -> Web formatting (HTML) +
"Web" does not describe the essentials. ... I would remove the second
item, I see no difference.
Same reason as for Plain text (Unformatted)

* PNG Bitmap -> Cross-platform optimized image (PNG)
"Image" as only term is not specific enough because that covers also 
svg-graphics. Important is, that it is a raster graphic. In regard to
"bitmap" see above. Suggestion -> Raster image (PNG).
Cross-platform optimized raster image (PNG)

* calc8" -> "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Spreadsheet (calc8)" +
I have in clipboard format "Star Embed Source (XML)" alternatively
in the list of paste-able formats. Is it used for ODF from unknown 
producer? Or if I copy from Excel, I get e.g. "Biff8(Microsoft Excel 
97/2000/XP/2003)" and "Biff5 (Microsoft Excel 5.0/95)" and "Microsoft
Excel Worksheet". Excel puts formats of various versions into
clipboard. Wouldn't it be better to write the type, here 
'Spreadsheet', at first and put the entire format information into 
the brackets?
Changed also BIFF8 so that the full name comes first. Never seen "Star Embed Source (XML)" or BIFF 
but always calc8, which was the original reason for the ticket.
Thanks for commenting, let's if someone else follows my position. Otherwise it's too much fuss and 
I will only add the localizable name for calc8 likewise it's define for calc6.

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