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On 4 May 2022 at 19:48, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:

Date sent:Wed, 4 May 2022 19:48:06 -0400
Send reply
Subject:Re: [libreoffice-users] Issue with automating a 
simple process.
From:"Paul D. Mirowsky" 
Organization:Bentax of North America, Inc.

I apologize, but I do not know how Calc handles this function, but the
logic is...

If A5 greater then zero, then end process

The issues seems to be. I set conditional range to be A1:AAV600 
and the conditional formatting works great.
But, when I reload spreadsheet, the external link imports new data 
into A5:AV564 (at moment).
If I check condition format range it has changed from A1:AV600 to 
and thus only applies to headings and empty cells were it does 
I can manually change it back to A1:AV600 and it works.
But that requires manually 
to change it.
So 4 clicks change range and two OK clicks. Not a big deal, but 
wondering why range changes, or why absolute or range name is 
not an option??

Hope this helps.

On 5/3/22 04:33, Michael D. Setzer II wrote:
Have a shell script that creates 2 csv files with data that
changes each quarter of year.

Script creates the files with about 600 lines.

Have a spreadsheet that then has external links to import
data to cell A5:V600 from one and AA5:AV600 for other.
That works fine..

I added conditional formatting that compares the data
between two groups to hightlight lines that are added or
deleted between to sets of data. That also works fine at
that point.

Problem is: If I open the spreadsheet again, it reimports
the data and in process wipes out all reference to the
range A5:AV5xx and AA5:AV5xx leaving just cells
between groups. Tried setting range to A1:AV600, but
again, it seems importing information wipes out the
conditional formatting.

I can manually go in and change the ranges back to
A1:AV600 and that restores the formatting..

Tried recording a macro for that, but result is nothing
was recorded.
Also, trying to record the importing manually does seem
to work either.

Tried to create a Range name thinking that might keep it,
but conditional formatting does except range names or
absolute addresses??

Perhaps it can't be done.

But process is much better than original manually getting
two sets of data to line up with manuall inserting cells.
Has about 46 records that are add/delete between data

Perhaps there is something I'm missing.

Michael D. Setzer II - Computer Science Instructor
Guam - Where America's Day Begins
G4L Disk Imaging Project maintainer

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Michael D. Setzer II - Computer Science Instructor (Retired)
Guam - Where America's Day Begins
G4L Disk Imaging Project maintainer

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