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On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 04:22:53PM +0100, jan iversen wrote:
So I wonder what Python version should be used for LO master sources?
I used --enable-python=internal but my config.log displays some 2.7 ref, see

I had build problems on osx sierra, due to the fact that I installed Python3 (official) alongside 
the apple 2.7 version.

tml_ helped me solve the problem, which boiled down to use:

When I used =internal I got a mixture of 2.7 and 3.5 header files.

This is clearly something that needs to be adressed in and is on my list (but that 
is a long list).
The general rule that I learnt about building on Mac is to never ever
add anything to the system path that does not come with the OS or havoc
will happen in our build system.



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