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I haven't changed anything while committing to Gerrit except the versions and .dic, .aff and readme files.
I have been doing it for several years already, so I don't know what 
Could you try with the latest version?: (still pending moderation)

But, of course, if there is an issue with LibreOffice built-in, we need to know what is happening.

Kind regards,
   >Marco A.G.Pinto (English Dictionaries extension maintainer)

On 30/01/2021 17:34, Dave Barton wrote:
Version: (x64)
Build ID: dcf040e67528d9187c66b2379df5ea4407429775
CPU threads: 8
OS: Windows 10.0 Build 19042; UI render: Skia/Raster; VCL: win
Locale: en-US (en_US); UI: en-US
Calc: threaded

My installed (bundled) dictionary, contributed by Marco A. G. Pintp is:
English spelling dictionaries, hyphenation rules, thesaurus, and grammar
checker 2020.05.01
English dictionaries for OpenOffice/LibreOffice 4.0+.
It includes:
-       en_AU (Australian) (updated: 2019-10-06)
-       en_CA (Canadian) (updated: 2019-10-06)
-       en_G8 (British) (updated: 2020-05-01)
-       en.US (American) (updated: 2019-10-06)
-       en.ZA (South African) (updated: 2012-07-10)

Upon opening a Writer document with the language set to en-US I get this
information bar error message:

<Q>Missing hyphenation data Please install the hyphenation package for
locale “en“.</Q>

Would someone kindly point me to the location where we are hiding this
mysterious hyphenation package, or explain why this should suddenly
appear for no obvious reason?



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