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Hallo zusammen,
ich schicke es mal weiter, nachdem auch de aufgelistet ist:

Am 07.10.2011 16:48, schrieb Andras Timar:

Yesterday I exported updated po files from Pootle and today I pushed
them to git to the translations module. I'll do another update for 3.4.4
rc 1 in a week. Meanwhile, could you all please fix bugs in your
translations? :)

Fatal errors:
ar as bg da de is it mk nl pl pt sk tg tr zh-TW
I corrected them in git as I could, but please correct them in Pootle, too.

Non-fatal errors:
ar as bg bn bs cs da de dgo eo es is it ja kn mk ne nl nn om pl pt rw
sa-IN sd sk sv sw-TZ tg tr zh-TW

Log files (from all tools) and error files (from gsicheck tool):

It is also well worth looking at the Review tab in Pootle.
– where xx is your language code. Errors in 'xmltags' or 'variables' can
cause runtime issues.

Best regards,


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