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Le 22/06/2015 10:05, ושדי יהעוז a écrit :

Hi Yaoz,

In My organization we use Word files That  written in Hebrew. We have some problems While working 
on those files , such as :

1.      fonts Type  changing in Some of the Files .

2.       page direction turning  from rtl to ltr .

3.      text becomes gibberish .

4.       Line numbering Format turns from alphabetic to numbers .

Most, if not all, of these problems are probably already entered into
the LibreOffice projects bugzilla. Some of the currently known bugs with
Hebrew are indicated in the following link:

This should give you an idea of the state of play as it stands today.

We Use Libre Office 4.2.4 Running  On Windows 7 x86

I would try upgrading the version of LibreOffice you use to one that is
more current - 4.2.x is already end-of-life, and 4.3.x (current "stable"
production versions) will also soon be end-of-life.

LibreOffice 4.4.x is considered the current "stable" version, although
it still has many RTL bugs.

Future LibreOffice 5.0 has been released as a release candidate.

I suggest you try them out, to see which suits your needs better.


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