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On 2010-10-01 6:23 PM, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
OOo wasn't really that hard to get, compared to other bug reports the form
is pretty standarized. However? The big issue was to know who is responsibl
for each proyect in order to generate the issue. If we can get rid of that,
it will help the new users enormously.
I have used more than a few bug reporters, and Openoffice.orgs was
terribly complicated, especially for casual users who wanted to report a

There needs to be a really easy way for users to report bugs - then
triagers can confirm these bugs, and make sure they get reported
properly in the main system...

There also really needs to be a very, very simple way that users can
contribute Microsoft Office documents that do not 'translate' well (have
formatting problems) when opened with LibreOffice... meaning, improving
the MSO filters should have its own dedicated, simple to use reporting
system that any end user can use, without having to sign up for an
account somewhere.


Best regards,

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