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On Wed, 2011-06-29 at 10:42 +0200, Petr Mladek wrote:
Caolán McNamara píše v Út 28. 06. 2011 v 14:01 +0100:
On Tue, 2011-06-28 at 11:33 +0200, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Could we not have a "nightly" tag ? Or if we do that, are
we going to have tag overkill like we did with OOo ?
Sounds like a good thing to have a different version than the catch-all
"unspecified", not sure who's got the power to add versions into the
list ? Petr ?
One solutions would be to add something like this to the tinderbox


 Another solution would be to define a default value in the,


Someone mentioned that it would be better to mention the last commit id.
It is not easy with the many repositories.
There's now no problem with the version string in the about dialog (in
theory anyway). I've already stuffed in the commit-ids of all the repos
(long for now, will be short when/if we go to one-git). The question now
is about what "version" to select in the bugzilla version dropdown list
in the web-ui when reporting a bug found in a daily so that it doesn't
get dismissed as "unspecified: user couldn't even bother to select
correct version" as opposed to "dailies: user is ultra-motivated qa who
found a bug today that wasn't there yesterday"

Unspecified is the best-fit for now, but it would be nice to separate
"dailies" from "unspecified". Is it possible to add another entry into
the bugzilla LibreOffice version list just for "dailies" (or nightlies)



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