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Yes, I agree with you, BUT. . .
When I upgrade to a newer version of Ubuntu via the Update Manager system, I get a message about CUPS being depreciated and no longer used. So it is Removed from the upgraded system. That is when I have to reinstall it, along with my CUPS-PDF package. Of course that package gives the depreciated message as well, but I know of no other PDF file printer for Ubuntu either.

On 01/22/2015 09:20 AM, CVAlkan wrote:

CUPS still seems to be alive and well; in fact, I'm not sure how we could
get along without it.

It is listed in the Ubuntu repository, although has always been installed by
default on any installation I've done (admittedly, not a whole lot though).
If you use the Software Center, make sure to check any other additions you
might require (I have everything but OpenPrinting installed).

If you need to install it separately, you can download it from

I hope this helps ...


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