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On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 7:46 AM, Michael Meeks <> wrote:
Hi Wols,

On Fri, 2010-10-22 at 23:29 +0100, Wols Lists wrote:
This patch (in the top level build dir) makes the development system
compile with KDE4 switched on and KDE3 switched off.
       That sounds reasonable.

How do I update the develop page on the web ? There's a bunch of useful
stuff I'd like to document to make life easier for the next person who
wants to fix a "won't build" problem (whether a global default or a
personal setup).
       So - the 'develop' page is in the 'website' git repository (which is
un-necessarly huge last time I looked) - so I'll mail you a snapshot

       I would -really- like to avoid the develop page becoming huge and
bloated - so, some links for each section into an equivalent section of
the wiki - would be great. Particularly for transient build issues: the
website is not -that- easy to update, and the wiki is easier. Does that
make sense ? [ do add some links and send in a diff ].

diff --git a/distro-configs/
index a8df1e0..58b9e8d 100644
--- a/distro-configs/
+++ b/distro-configs/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 --with-vendor=\"The Document Foundation\"
       so - really I would like to avoid this.

       My ideal is to have neither an enable or disable flag for any of the
optional pieces: KDE3 / KDE4 / GNOME etc. - but have a default of
auto-detection, so we only build if they are there.
humm... Just because it is available (or the build system _think_ it's
avaialable) on your build machine, doesn't mean your target will have

I'd agree that the default should be to automatically pick-up what is
there... but at least the disable flag should stay.


       This will need some code changes to [ not the one in
build/ but the one in bootstrap ], and a little autoconf knowledge.
However it should solve the problem for lots of people.

       Any chance you could look at that instead ?



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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