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Le 20/03/13 16:15, Paul D. Mirowsky a écrit :

Hi Paul,

I would suppose that next logical step is to suggest that like
<Insert><Base-Query><Next-Record>, is to add
Unfortunately, I don't think that this is possible.

This maybe possible with "Section" "Conditions and Variables" but I
wouldn't know where to start.
Offhand, the only thing I can think of is to make the appearance of the
field data conditional on the return value of a select statement from
the first table "NOT BEING EQUAL" to some arbitrary value, and then from
that telling it to use the result of the second select statement
instead. (I'm not sure if what I've written there makes sense). I'm
pretty certain that a similar question was raised on the French user
list a while ago, I will see if I can dig out the reply (if any) to that


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