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Petr Mladek píše v Po 20. 08. 2012 v 18:10 +0200:
Korrawit Pruegsanusak píše v St 15. 08. 2012 v 23:16 +0700:
Hello all,

I'd like to propose [1] which fix fdo#47434 to be included in -3-5,
3-6, and 3-6-1 if possible.
It looks safe and works well => pushed into 3-5 and 3-6 branches:

It is safe enough to be included in 3-6-1. Well, we need two more

For the detailed explanation, please see in bugzilla starting from comment #13.

Also, the unit test waiting in gerrit [2] couldn't be backported
because I use XShapeDumper available only in master, and my skill
isn't enough to use UNO API. ;)
IMHO, it is enough to keep it in master and safe resources for other
bugfixes, new unit tests, ...
Got approval from Thorsten, Michael and was pushed into 3-6-1.

Best Regards,


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