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On 03/04/2020 18:00, Miklos Vajna wrote:
My understanding is that in when svp is active and
comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive() returns true, then the
expectation is that each view has its own clipboard. A "view" is the
Window -> New Window menu item. The LOK case wants this, as such a view
actually ends up in the web browser of different users. This is the same
as the "tiled rendering" case, these tests always set the LOK mode to

When comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive() return false, then then
expectation is that this is a desktop session where both views belong to
the same user, so a shared clipboard makes sense. The UITests probably
want to mimic the desktop case, so they would be in this category.
(Actually, any kind of test which is not a tiled rendering test.)

Does that help?
Thanks, that helped indeed.  I've created 
<> "Make 
SalInstance::CreateClipboard return a single instance in the non-LOK 
case" now.


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