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Tim and Frank,
As an answer to your kind responding:
In fact I had made a live-DVD to check my PC's (64bit) co-operation with Ubuntu14.04.1. My intention is to first install Ubuntu on a VirtualBox because errors are then easier to correct and after that perhaps do a dual-boot install (I am an expert on making errors). And got some real 'challenges': my system is 64bit/8GB RAM/2 TB HD (virtualization enabled) but the Ubuntu(64bit) did not accept to install (memory instruction error???) so I re-installed VM&Ubuntu as 32bit.
The install is now OK but the Ubuntu is very very sloooow.
My printer does not work either.

I know -- this not a LO-issue, so I must try to get help from Ubuntu-forum.
Best regards
Pertti Rönnberg

On 25.1.2015 12:12, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
Is there any need to have Linux in a VirtualBox or could you just boot to Linux on your computer - as a dual booting one?
I run laptops with Win7 [pro and home] with Ubuntu on one and Linux 
Mint on another.
There are some things I need to run on Windows, that are easier to use 
than any Linux counterpart.  But my default booting for these laptops 
is Linux.  I went to Linux as my default OS in the Spring of 2010 , 
when I bought this desktop.  I originally was using Linux before that 
on "spare" system when the cost of buying the needed software using 
Windows was getting too much for my budget. I found the needed 
software "functions and applications" for free with Linux [Ubuntu and 
others].  Actually I defaulted to Ubuntu since its Live CD was the 
only one that allowed my HP laptop's audio to work "out of the box".
As for old brains, well after 3 strokes, I am lucky my younger brain 
still works.  I think "healthy exercise" for the brain is important, 
whether you are in you 40's or 80's.  My wife has end-stage 
Alzheimer's and I really know the importance in keeping you mind as 
active as you can to help reduce the effects of age on your mental 
I am a little "slower" in doing things due to an illness that just 
will not go away, but I am learning to live with it, just like 
learning to live with what the strokes left me to work with.

On 01/24/2015 08:55 AM, Pertti Rönnberg wrote:
Thank you very much for your soon reply -- I was just working on the installations. The printer seems to be working on the Windows so let us hope it will work OK with the VirtualBox&Ubuntu too.
Earlier 10-15years ago I used Windows&Ubuntu parallell but then I had 
to rebuild my PC completely and for some reason
never installed the Ubuntu again - perhaps too complicated -- but I 
never gave up the idea skipping windows.
Now I re-installed system&programs again and decided to start working 
with Ubuntu again.
Next step is to learn using Apache&SQLite for my need of databases. I 
used to work with MSAccess but am not interested in
spending money on purchasing and was told that SQLite is easier and 
not so heavy as MySQL. Do not know yet.
Anyway I find this interesting and think it is a healthy exercise for 
an old brain too (75y)
So any guides and ideas how I shall proceed to get SQLite(3) to run 
in Ubuntu are welcome.
Kind regards
Pertti Rönnberg

On 24.1.2015 14:22, CVAlkan wrote:

If you are running Ubuntu (or anything else as far as I know) in a Virtual Box, you don't have access to any hardware unless it is recognized by the host system. But if your printer functions properly on the host system (and
you set up virtualbox carefully), it should work fine on Ubuntu.

The issues I encounter all seem to be related to LOWriter, so if you have no issues with that on your host, it seems to me fairly likely that you should
be ok. In any case, if it doesn't work you haven't lost anything.

Just as a matter of curiosity, are you looking to a linux distro just to use
SQLite and Apache? Or was there some other consideration driving that


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