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For me I go view>toolbars>drawing and turn on the drawing toolbar.
Then I can select a line and draw it on my page.
Then I right click on the line and can add arrows and change line and colour.

On 2015-11-26 07:42, charles meyer wrote:

I wanted a few videos and read Web sites but none were accurate re:
inserting or drawing an arrow in Libre Writer.

Some said to choose Format - Line except in my version there
is no Line under Format.

I'm trying to re-create that look where you place a yellow arrow next
to where one has to sign a document or next to an object to describe
what it is (e.g. camera viewfinder).

Hows does one easily accomplish that in Libre Writer?

Can you change colors of the arrow? Change angles? (e.g. 45 degree angle, etc.).

Can you insert that arrow into a .jpg you've inserted from a Picture File?

Thanks so much,


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