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On Wed, 8 Dec 2010 12:30:00 +0100, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
Not quibbling about the option naming here (--with vs --enable etc), do
we really need to bundle those fonts by default?
IMHO: Yes.
But not the Graphite variants.
And that matters in developer installs how? :-)

Distros and platforms can always turn it on if they want it. I expect
we'll have a LinuxLibreOffice distro profile soon again. And
sensible distro hopefully recommend some graphite font packages.

But even if we want to bundle Graphite fonts, why do I need 56 bundled
font files, when all we need is 7 graphite ones and opensymbol?

It is 20MB additional ballast to me.

Anyway, if this is what people really want, I'll just use that switch



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