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In light of <> "Re: Proposed F19 Feature: Apache OpenOffice"
  "[...] given OOo/LO's tradition of being installable to arbitrary 
locations (which in turn is a direct consequence of its multi-plaform
nature), there's code available in OOo/LO's SDK that can be bundled with 
[...] applications [that programmatically spawn an OOo
process to get their work done] to help them to find a OOo/LO
installation, with fallbacks to platform-specific heuristics. For Unix, that includes searching PATH for a file or symlink named 'soffice'. Not breaking that has been one reason why it has never been considered worthwhile to drop the /usr/bin/soffice symlink 'just for aesthetics.'"
---is there any rationale for 
"Re: Proposed F19 Feature: Apache OpenOffice"
  "[...] looks like 
'LibreOffice branding: make desktop integration work (fix2)' dropped the 
/usr/bin/soffice symlink from the upstream LO packages, for reasons that 
escape me---maybe it was just ignorance or an oversight."


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