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as we are quickly reaching our 3.3 release, during today's marketing conference call, we collected items that should be done for the release day. The date itself is not clearly fixed yet, but I expect it to be within the next few days, so we should take a chance to work on it over the weekend. :-)
Here's the list, any additions welcome:

* the local websites as well as itself should be prepared with the news
* we need to translate the features page into the various languages

* ideally, this comes also with localized screenshots that are used to outline the new features
* the PR will soon be circulated and should then be translated into the 
various languages and prepared for distribution
        * you can add local quotes if you want

* we should point to local or global events where LibO community members can be met, like FOSDEM and CeBIT:
* we should throw local release parties:
* we might decide on a slogan to use for certain marketing activies: (#35 seems to be a 
good choice :-)
* we need to get in touch with journalists

* for the spokespeople, I'm sure there are lots of local contacts who built connections with journalists over the last years, and you are of course free to talk about LibreOffice, the product and the community
	* for media requests specifically concerning the Foundation, please 
route them to the TDF spokespeople, currently Charles, Italo, Olivier 
and myself
* we should get "global" quotes, Charles and I am working on this

Sorry for this rather short compilation, and especially sorry for staying so absent in the marketing list the last weeks. The infrastructure and the foundation things kept me rather busy, but I am now slowly coming back also to marketing and will contribute as I did during my OOo times. :-)
We will also gradually improve structure, like local marketing contacts 
and the like, so the workflow is even more optimized for 3.3.1 and 3.4. :-)
Thanks for all your help!

Florian Effenberger <>
Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/ @floeff

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