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I will try, and look into that ppc bit too,
But I did a pull -r when I got home today. And is currently building as fast
as my Opteron 1212 let's me :) from scratch.
On Oct 27, 2010 5:19 PM, "Michael Meeks" <> wrote:
Hi Rene,

On Wed, 2010-10-27 at 16:41 +0200, René Kjellerup wrote:
sh: line 1: 14217 Segmentation fault perl -d:DProf
Wow - we managed to crash perl - that's fun; you're warning about ppc.

Unquoted string "ppc" may clash with future reserved word
Shows you have a somewhat older version of the script ;-)

I've been puzzled and tried to look at the install file, but with
limited success, other than to confirm that the isn't
there in the build directory
We might want to remove the -d:DProf - which may cause the problem: no
idea why it is there, there is no need to profile on every run. If that
fixes it, can you submit a patch ?



-- <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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