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hey guys i noticed you guys are looking to shrink the download size of
windows installer download.

1) help should stay where it is.

2) are there any language packs included with libreoffice yet?

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Rene Engelhard <> wrote:

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 02:01:50PM +0000, Michael Meeks wrote:
Thanks to Thorsten for taking the minutes, of the call last Thursday:
      + Rene - concerned wrt. start-center per-lang switching
              + Michael - the code is pushed & working
              + Petr - just pushed the updated/split BrOffice
                branding, so start-center should work too
FSVO of work. I said that you get the wrong branding in the wrong product
sometimes, and that still is the case (though it's quite minor):

LibreOffice install:
       LANG="something except pt_BR" -> everything LibreOffice branded
       LANG="pt_BR" -> Splash, Title bar and everything else LibreOffice
                       *except+ Startcenter image install[1]:
       LANG="something except pt_BR" -> title etc. *except*
                                        Startcenter image
       LANG="pt_RB" -> everything branded

am i the only one which finds this weird?

My other point was that LANG="pt_BR" doesn't necessarily mean people
wanting BrOffice. what for people here in Europe? Wanting a
LibO and nothing else?



[1] implemented by diverting files away and exchangin them with BrOffice
LibreOffice mailing list

Jonathan Aquilina


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