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On 03/01/2013 12:35 AM, Peter Foley wrote:
We still have 153 dmake files left over in test, qa, and workben directories.

Somebody should go through them and decide which of the various
examples, tests, etc. are worth keeping.
There's a few places, like desktop/test/deployment/{active,passive}/, 
that I use every once in a while, but typically only adjust to any 
changes that accumulated in the meantime whenever I actually want to use 
it again.
Therefore, if it doesn't hurt too much, I'd prefer to not clean up too 
aggressively there.  (Sure, you can always resurrect removed stuff from 
the repo, but, frankly, that can be a pain, esp. if you can't remember 
/exactly/ what you are actually looking for and thus need to grep 
around.  Then again, other rotten places are so untouched for the last 
decade that just removing them won't upset anybody.)


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