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On Sun, Oct 30, 2016 at 09:54:03PM +0800, baigali wrote:
AFAIK, traditional Mongolian has no history of being written
horizontally, it is one of the vertical-only scripts. But if it must be
written horizontally, then it seems the current practice is to write it
from left to right. Mongolian OpenType fonts are also designed to be
left to right when the text is laid out horizontally.

When laid out vertically, Mongolian lines start from the left side of
the page not the write side as CJK scripts. LibreOffice seems to support
this internally, but we have no UI to enable it:
Thank you,
Yes, Libreoffice aready support traditional mongolian internally,but
there exist some problem ,like cursor traveling ,anchored object
positioning etc. in writer.
And turned off traditional mongolian support in UI at file
cui/source/tabpages/page.cxx line 259,due to above reason.
I enabled it 2 days ago, the existing issues should be reported in
bugzilla. Sleeping on the code disabled for 6 years is not the best way
to fix bugs.

But, I am now making a traditional Mongolian UI, and if I show
mongolian script vertically in UI it seems many work should do in vcl,
so in recent stage i just want to show mongolian script horizontally
in UI.
I’m curious how vertical UI would look like, do you have any examples of
such UIs? VCL is the place to start, but I fear this might be a big



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