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On Wednesday 19 of February 2020, Ilmari Lauhakangas wrote:
As promised in the ESC call last week, I went and conducted interviews
with people who are/were involved in migrating the build systems of big
FOSS projects from Autotools to Meson.

The compiled interviews are available as an 18 page document in .odt and
.pdf formats here:

There is also a short document collecting benefits and concerns from the
perspective of LibreOffice.

If someone is interested in the documents, but is unable to access TDF
Nextcloud, please contact me in private.
 "Account not provisioned.Your account is not provisioned, access to this 
service is thus not possible."

 Do I need something more than my TDF account? (Yeah, I know this is not in 
private :), but I assume I won't be the only one.)

 Luboš Luňák


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