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On 23/02/11 13:35, TomW wrote:
On 2011-02-22 12:33, Zhehao Mao wrote:
Is there a way to convert an OLE Chart to a Bitmap in Libreoffice? I am
working on an assignment with a classmate who uses Microsoft Word, and I
know that OLE objects don't carry over from odt to docx.


The only way I found to do this.

Copy the chart.
Using either another sheet or Writer, use 'Paste Special' as GDI format.
Then copy this GDI file.
Now when you select 'Paste Special', you have the option to paste as a

It would be nice if there is a single step solution.



I use the following simple solutions...

On Ubuntu I use 'Shutter'

On Windows XP I use 'Greenshot'

Both are easy to setup and configure. Great when you are trying to grab what you can see and dump to file, memory or put into a file. They both can save to BMP format.
Cheers Simon

   Simon Cropper
   Principal Consultant
   Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
   PO Box 160, Sunshine, VIC

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