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When I press <enter> it takes five seconds before the cursor becomes visible 
at the beginning of the next line. The processor seems to work heavily during 
those five seconds.

Starting the libreoffice writer with the command "lowriter Kirja.odt" takes 
less than fifteen seconds and also everything else works fast.  

Kirja.odt is a document in finnish of about 150 pages. Only text, now figures. 
There is table of contents.
I use voikko for finnish spell checking and hyphenation. 

I have tried the advice I have found in the web but with no avail. I guess I 
have missed *the* advice.

Build ID: 410m0(Build:2)

Operating system:
Opensuse; Linux 3.12.6-5.g080d0df-default x86_64 GNU/Linux

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