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On Mon, 2011-01-31 at 10:15 -0700, Jeff Chimene wrote:
On 01/31/2011 10:02 AM, drew wrote:
On Mon, 2011-01-31 at 09:31 -0700, Jeff Chimene wrote:
On 01/31/2011 09:20 AM, drew wrote:

Well my only reservation as I think about this in general is that this
is a one off disc for a Linux festival and maybe hitting the windows
stuff too strong is not the way to go - are you thinking of having the
complete xampp distro on the disc?

I think that's the only way to go for Windows. I cannot see why an end
user would install a mysql server, which leaves developers, which leads

W/R/T ODBC and JDBC. I now think this is a duplication of effort.

I'm looking at the OpenOffice wiki (which is where I originally found
the OO <--> mysql connection info). My thought here is that the CD might
include the MySQL  Java connector.  The downside is that the connector
.jar needs to be associated w/ the Java installation (i.e. Java path),
not the LibO installation. I don't really want to get into packaging
details, i.e. including the .jar in a RPM or DEB. I think that's a task
best left to those distros.
 see that LibO is in Debian Experimental. See

The package already includes database connectivlty options for Base. See

And, of course there's the 23-Jan-2011 zdnet post.

BTW, for future reference, I run Debian Testing/Unstable on AMD-64. I've
used Debian for software developement > 10 yrs.

hmm - well, how about we just table this (xampp stack) for today and
lets see if other ideas come in and we can come back to this tomorrow,
would that be OK?

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