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On Fri, 2011-09-16 at 23:14 +0200, Andras Timar wrote:
Hi Caolan,

... helpex tool does not work as expected ... Could you please check
 what went wrong?
Went wrong with my 13caa83dca4e1507a6e0213bd122d13af570d132

I removed the redundant charset parameter of
MergeDataFile::MergeDataFile, so
it went from a five argument ctor with one terminal default argument to
a four argument ctor with one terminal default argument. i.e.

-MergeDataFile( const ByteString &rFileName, const ByteString& rFile ,
sal_Bool bErrLog, CharSet aCharSet, bool bCaseSensitive = false );
+MergeDataFile( const ByteString &rFileName, const ByteString& rFile,
bool bErrLog, bool bCaseSensitive = false );

I had *thought* I had converted all callers, but I missed the helpex one
so its call of
MergeDataFile(sSDFFile, sInputFile, sal_False, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS1252)
used to call, due to the default argument
MergeDataFile(sSDFFile, sInputFile, sal_False, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS1252,
but after removal of the charset argument in
MergeDataFile::MergeDataFile the
unchanged line of
MergeDataFile(sSDFFile, sInputFile, sal_False, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS1252);
no longer expands to
MergeDataFile(sSDFFile, sInputFile, sal_False, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS1252,
but instead the charset arg is used to override the default argument,
MergeDataFile(sSDFFile, sInputFile, sal_False, true);
so bCaseSensitive went from false to true, *splat*

Should be fixed with commit ec303dfe52f7ba78ffba2a5327fda38abfef5d6f
Let me know if that doesn't work.



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