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On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 10:44 AM, drew <> wrote:
On Thu, 2011-01-06 at 10:33 -0800, Carl Symons wrote:
On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 12:42 AM, Marc Paré <> wrote:
Le 2011-01-05 19:25, Carl Symons a écrit :

A lot of people make the trip from Portland to Bellingham for the
Fest. I think that the best way to contact the likely suspects is at They have a meeting tomorrow night. Several
of us make the roundtrip from Bellingham via Amtrak. Very nice.

One of the great things about LinuxFest Northwest (LFNW) is that
presenters don't have to be slick and polished. The main qualification
for presenting is to share the value and experiences you've had with
the subject. There are plenty of beginner presentations and a Tutorium
for people to try things out.

More below...

Carl Symons (one of several LFNW organizers)

Thanks again,


Hi Carl:

Thanks for all of the help as well information.

We are trying to fill the US marketing team membership list locations for a
more focused marketing strategy etc. [1] Would you also consider adding your
name to the list?

If some other members going to the fest express an interest in helping, they
could also be encouraged to join the US marketing group and filling in their
name on the page. This would be very helpful.




Okay, I've got something started on the wiki as you suggest. I'm now
getting bounced by some WordPress domain mapping glitch. Will add more
detail later when the wiki is back in action.
great - I've registered on the NWLF site also.

sorry for being quite, needing to get some 'other' work done.

Are you still going to the Portland LUG meeting toniht (or was it fest


Set myself up on the US marketing team wiki. Thanks for the suggestion, Marc.

Drey, I saw your registration at the site. The event is LinuxFest
Northwest, _LFNW_ is the acronym we use.

I mentioned the PDX LUG meeting for Dona Hertel. I'm not going there.
We have a meeting on the new LFNW website this afternoon. There will
probably be a few more edits and then we'll update the site. There's
been a lot of work done to upgrade look and processes of the previous
site. Yes, I'm still going to that meeting.


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