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On 06/11/2013 10:32 AM, Matteo Casalin wrote:
From: Stephan Bergmann <>
Always do a "make check" instead of merely a "make
dev-install" please.
   (Esp. if you have enough time and/or computing bandwidth for "make
clean && make dev-install", the additional checks should not take
long in proportion.)
Thanks for the hint.
Honestly, the rebuild process takes me about 4 hours, I usually let it run at night and only after widespread changes 
(more than 40 files are currently involved, with many header files) and almost all because I have the odd feeling that, 
in the past, after some modification on the same set of files the "build [DEP]" phase sometimes involved 
different modules besides the "expected" ones. If you confirm that this is excessive then I will happily 
avoid the rebuild and just perform make check.
When you just modify .hxx/.cxx files (rather than doing odd changes to 
.mk files, say), then our dependency tracking should really be good 
enough to do all required rebuilds without a need to "make clean" first.


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