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On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 12:50 PM, Bjoern Michaelsen
<> wrote:
On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 12:18:07PM -0400, Robinson Tryon wrote:
So it sounds like some kind of differentiation page (ala Mozilla)
could be our biggest win here.

I'll try to mock-up an example of how this would look, and perhaps we
can test it out at for
a bit and see if there's a reduction in bug reports that aren't really
Getting too far with mock-ups is always dangerous, as you risk creating
something what the dev waves away as "that too complex, I wont start on that"
-- so going ahead, Id suggest contacting someone willing and able to implement
this early on -- in this case maybe Cloph -- to see where the real troubles in
implementation are.
I know that everyone has been very busy, so I was planning to implement
the differentiation page myself. If Cloph or someone else would like
to do it, I am more than happy to give them the work^H^H^H^H^H glory
and go attack the weeds in my garden :-)



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