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sberg wrote
On 03/03/2020 08:49, Noel Grandin wrote:
I have reverted the libmerged patch that likely triggered this.

Lets see if tonight is any better.
Still no joy. The build log suggests  a Visual Studio configuration issue...

brief Build Log for tree: MASTER
Created at: Thu Mar 5 01:21
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Build Data

tinderbox: administrator: jenkins
tinderbox: brief-log: 1583367715.31850.html
tinderbox: brieflog:
tinderbox: buildname: Jenkins_tb77_x64
tinderbox: errorparser: unix
tinderbox: errors: 2
tinderbox: full-log: 1583367715.31850.html
tinderbox: fulllog:
tinderbox: print:    jenkins on tb77
<>  &nbsp;  core
tinderbox: starttime: 1583367642
tinderbox: status: building
tinderbox: timenow: 1583367707
tinderbox: tree: MASTER

Pick an error message to see Log

End of Log File
checking for MSVC merge modules directory... configure: WARNING: not found
(check config.log)
cygpath: can´t convert empty path

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