Hello all,
On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 20:08, Niko Rönkkö <niko.ronkko@wippies.fi> wrote:
Wonderful, great stuff - I have to apologize, the many whitespace
changes in the calc part of the patch are because of my substandard
mentoring - cleaned-up version of the first patch attached.
I was in the belief that we shall use spaces instead of tabs.
Corrected patches attached.
And please s/interger/integer ;)
Also, it seems that you haven't check the range of ishift yet, whether
it is between -48 and 48 (from your description), or it isn't
necessary? I don't have knowledge on this.
My last nitpick, what about the strings capitalization?
Best Regards,
Korrawit Pruegsanusak
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