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On 2011-06-02 10:35 AM, PLO wrote:
Hello LO Users,

 I uninstalled OOo and installed LibreOffice last month, but now I am trying
 to find a way to revert to the icons as (without offence) I
 just can't abide the new LibreOffice icons (neither the file type or
 toolbar icons).

 Aside the ghastly file type icons, which I really don't like, the
 application toolbar icons have also changed. The Bold, Italic, and
 Underline toolbar icons in Writer are horrible, for example.

 Is there any way to apply a new theme? Or even better, the old OOo theme?
I'm fairly sure you could use the custom icon pack created to replace t
hem for OOo when 3.2.2 came out, and apply them the same way, as
described in the Issue Tracker for this problem here:

I see no reason this wouldn't work in LibO - in fact, I'll go try it now...

The most relevant comment is 161, reproduced here in its entirety:

------- Comment #161 From tommy27 2010-07-31 07:41:08 -------


The icons we used in the workaround are the same icon packs used in OOo

here's a Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V from my previous posts with the files to downlaod

The solutions provided are very simple and I think OOo devs should not
have troubles to integrate this in a future release

1- I uploaded a new version of morobus' "3.2.1 --> 3.2.0 icons swap zip
file" to sendspace:

this version fixes alternate icon packs as well.

follow the same instruction as before:
extract the zip file content in "Bin/ 3" folder to replace
all icons with colored ones from 3.2.0 (Backup the files first!)

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