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On 02/09/2017 10:24 PM, toki wrote:
On 02/09/2017 07:49 PM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

I am having trouble adding the Resene color palette to the
"standard.soc" file.
Two different Resene Palettes can be found at .

For some reason, I'm under the impression that LibO can utilize adobe
*.ase palettes, but a quick search on the LibO site doesn't confirm it.
I've got 45 *.ase palettes from Resene,


I found the Resene color palette from a site that discussed color palettes. Here is the site's URL.

The site has several different PDF files for the different color sorting options.

The link you provided at the "" requires a user/password to access the site. So I do not know what they offer. The .soc file[s] I want to create will be offered at the LO Extension site as a .soc file. If someone knows how to create an extension that automatically installs the file in the proper config folder, please let me know. Since I use Linux, I know where the the .soc files are located. It would be better to have extension do the work for you.

For those who look at the link I provided here, there are over 1300 colors in the Renese palette. There are other versions of there palette. Renese colors is a paint palette. I have an older PDF file that has a link to a Renese-2010 PDF file. The link I provided to the MIT side has several Renese files that are color sorted by different methods. I like the following version.

Thanks to Rémy Gauthier, I now have the Renese text file RGB color list to one that is a HEX version. Now I just need to finish the needed parts of the .soc file, including the Renese copyright that must included with the color coding to make the .soc file. After that, I will upload it to a folder and provide the link so others can test it on their systems. Then, hopefully, I will place the .soc file with the LO Extension site.

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