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Hi :)
James could well be right.  Another possibility is that the 2nd button
is the "Help files" which you can ignore.  Either way, whether James
is right or i am right you can safely ignore the 2nd button.

The only one that matters is the 1st one.  The others are only there
to help you add useful extras.

Since you clicked on the 1st button you downloaded the installer but
you haven't yet actually installed it.  It will probably be in your
"Downloads" folder.  Double-click on it to install it.

If you let us know which version of Windows you are using we could try
to help you a bit more but each version of Windows is so different
from each other that attempting to explain it would doubtless only
confuse you further.

There were a LOT of other points in your email but it's probably best
to stick with 1 thing at a time because otherwise it might be
confusing.  Generally we ask people to write a separate fresh email
about each separate issue but i get the impression that it would be
difficult for you to keep track of the different "threads" so it's
probably better if we just handle 1 issue at a time.

Don't worry!!  It is all a bit baffling at first.  You will quickly
become more familiar with using a computer and installing programs.
It was new to all of us at one time or other.  Many people never learn
such advanced ways and just hand it in at a shop or hand it into their
IT Department for them to install programs and such.
Good luck, welcome in and regards from
Tom :)

On 9 January 2014 16:58, James Wilde <> wrote:
Hello David:

The two green buttons indicate to me that you - or someone for you -
have installed LibreOffice in a language other than US English, which
means that, when you click on the update button, you are taken to the
update page for the language variant on your machine.  In my case, for
example, I am led to the UK English page.

Installing LibreOffice is performed by first installing the US English
version, which is the default.  Then one installs over that a
language-specific modification, which provides such things as
dictionary, grammar help, etc.  The installer program is quite big and
can take a long time to download, but click on both green buttons so
that you have your language variant.

When they have both downloaded, double click on the installer program,
the larger one and when that has finished installing, then you can click
on the language-specific file.  And when that one is loaded, then you
have your new version ready to use.

Hope this helps.


On 2014-01-09 17:28, David M. Pelly wrote:
Hello Libre office Foundation,

I am using Libre office on  Windows XP.

Firefox is my preferred browser.

I am not a techie.

Your products are not user friendly to non techies, non geeks. Not dummy proof.

My main expertise is email and websurfing.

And I do some writing on "libre office".

When I encounter something other than standard main functions  I usually get lost and confused.

Even explaining the problem that I encounter to you is difficult to explain.

But here it is:

The present problem is:

Some how,  ( I think it is when I open or start up my computer,) I get a pop up that there is a 
Libre office update.

So I  click  to get the update.

I get a webpage with two green buttons:

 going back there to that site to see what it actually exactly  says,
because I forget what they are exactly, but what ever they are, they are
 confusing, especially to a non techie, non geek.

I think one button says it  is a  downloader or installer.

The other is something else. ( It does not say, update software.)

That appears to mean that I need to use two functions.

One to download an installer first.

 another one is required  to download the actual update software to the
installer, so the installer can install the software in my   Libre
office program.

It does not say that, but it seems to imply that.

 products assume ( and take for granted)  that the user knows almost as
much as the actual designers and program developers. )

Now I landed up clicking on some buttons, and there was no windows telling me what was happening.

As far as I thought at the time, I  did not get the update. I was ticked off.

 the same time: You also ask for donations.  So I  did donate $10.  I
ran into some confusions there too, but some how it at least appeared to
 go through.

It is not entirely user friendly either.

That should be cleared up and made dummy proof.

So I went back to my work on my Libre office program.

And I still see the green something in the upper right hand corner.

 I click on it and it says there are updates for Libre.

So therefore I thought  I did not get the updates.

So I click on it and a window pops up and says that I have the version.

I think that is the new update version. (Maybe I am wrong.)

 I am correct, why do you leave that green arrow up in the upper right
hand corner, telling me that there are new updates available?  After I
supposedly did get the update?

Those kinds of things drive me crazy!

I just thought of another problem/ suggestion:

Why don't you include an "undo"  feature on the  "right click"  window?

That should be common sense.

Another one:

 how when I was doing a lot of work on libre office,  I landed up with
some solid lines running across my page, which I cannot delete or


How can I remove them?

Another suggestion:

 I am getting to the maximum data capacity of the  libre window I am
working in,  you should have an indicator pop up that tells the user
that  that  particular widow is reaching  it's maximum capacity  and  telling the user to begin 
a new document.

 also have  a clearly visible button for the user to send "suggestions
for improvements"  or to report problems with libre office?

I hope I have explained my self sufficiently well, so  that you understand what I mean.

And I am sure there are other problems that I do not know of or don't remember.

David Pelly


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