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On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 09:34:13AM +0200, Miklos Vajna wrote:
My new builds now have a commit message like "2014-10-15:
source-hash-defa080e585fb351bc4049b2f280d2e7e5256f6e" in the dbgutil
repo, hope that keeps everyone happy. :-)
Thats lovely, but still doesnt show up in "git bisect log", doesnt it?

I have no plans to touch existing commits.
FWIW, tagging existing commits doesnt really touch/change them, so no rebase or
other complex tweaking needed. Otherwise we might need some script that
extracts that from the repo, so we have useful infomation in the stuff that
people paste on bugzilla. OTOG that might be somewhat useful in general, as it
might even show the commits in the bibisect range.




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