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Hi guys,

On Wed, 2010-10-27 at 14:42 -0700, LeMoyne wrote:
Using the following sample from a git patch one can see one way in which the
current counting method comes up with fewer words than other methods do.  
        Well - this is fun indeed :-) I strongly suggest that we start to
create a compile-time regression test based on calc's (see sc/qa/unit/)
that will automatically create writer, populate it with a number of
sample texts - and then run the counting code, and verify the output.

All these tests are with the aScanner.GetLen() > 1 check in place.  With
that Len >=2 check, the new counting routine has no problem with single
letter words like A, a, 1, -, or just ,   
        Right - we need regression tests for all these corner cases - so we get
the right result :-)

        Anyone particularly brave that feels able to replicate the calc
regression tests for writer out there ?



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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