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Anupam Anupam kirjoitti 5.3.2020 klo 17.52:
Hello Everyone

This Email is regarding GSOC 2020 application for Libre Office. My name is Anupam Sharma, and I am a student of Master of Computer Science at the University of Adelaide, Australia. After completing my Bachelors's in Computer science, I started working in the role of Software Engineering for four years at Ford Motor Company, where I had worked on various diverse and challenging assignments. I have always been fascinated by the field of open-source software development, and GSOC can be an opportunity to start my journey in the area of open-source development.
Summarising my details:-

Name - Anupam
Current Education - Master of Computer Science (completed one semester), University of Adelaide, Australia. Previous Education - Bachelor of Technology, Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Hamirpur, India Work Experience: - 4 years in the role of Software Engineer at Ford Motor Company.
IRC Nick Name : anupam543
Email : <>

I am looking forward to getting further information in this context.
The minimum requirement for participation is completing a task called an 
"easy hack". You can get started here:


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