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On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 02:39:35PM +0200, Noel Grandin wrote:
On 2013-04-23 14:25, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 10:46:26PM +0200, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
- I will rebase the script against master on 2013-04-23 1200 UTC and again
  execute and trigger the build on gerrit
The 1200UTC last sanity is running:
Please, please, can we not push massive changes in one chunk.

Every time one of these whales come through I spend a whole day
rebasing my patch queue.
Not for this one. Doing this in "small steps" (e.g. one directory per day)
would make you need to rebuild everything every day over the next two month.

This is a showcase of something that needs to be done in the fewest possible
steps to prevent more pain.
And for some reason, doing a lot of conflict resolving after a "./g
pull -r" will often end up with git deciding that I am "not
currently on any branch"
Why are you rebasing daily? I work on patches and rebase them once directly
before pushing them to master sparing myself a lot of pain (and severely
reducing the risk of ending up with rebasing on a broken master etc.). I can
see others doing the same.

And with gerrit you can even push you change to refs/for/master without having
to frantically race to be rebased and rebuild to the latest head of master.



P.S.: Removing projects@ from CC


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